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Firends of the Institute

Friends of the Institute of Archaeology

The Friends of the Institute of Archaeology is a nonprofit organization which supports the activities of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University and its library.

Prof. Moshe Fischer

Prof. Moshe Fischer (1945-2021)

An archaeologist, teacher, and researcher in the Department of Classical Studies and Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures at Tel Aviv University between the years 1982 to 2014.


His rich library was donated to the library by his family. It contains thousands of books on Classical archaeology, the study of ancient architecture, art, and many more.

Prof. Yohana Aharoni

Prof. Yohanan Aharoni (1919-1976)

An archaeologist, teacher, researcher, founder, and first chairman of the institute of archaeology at Tel Aviv University. 
Cherished by his wife Miriam, his library remained at his home office untouched. After Mirim's passing in 2020, their sons donated the entire collection to the library.
It is an extraordinary collection of Israeli archaeology at its first steps, with many rare and unique books.

Dr. David Gal

Dr. David Gal (1941-2020)

An archaeologist and enthusiastic Egyptologist. David was a both a hard-working man with an agricultural business and an active student and lifelong learner dedicating his time to the studies of ancient Egypt. 
His collection of books on Egyptology and on Levant archaeology was donated to the library by his family.

Prof. Itamar Singer

Prof. Itamar Singer (1946-2012)

Teacher and researcher in the Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures at Tel Aviv University between the years 1978-2008.

Leading researcher of Hittitology and ancient Anatolians cultures.


Prof. Israel Roll

Prof. Israel Roll (1937-2010)

Teacher and researcher in the Department of Classical Studies and Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures at Tel Aviv University between the years 1977-2007.


More than 300 books from his private library were donated by his family and now constitute a major part of the library collection of Classical issues including classical archeology, classical studies and history of the Roman period in its various aspects.

Prof. Moshe Kochavi

Prof. Moshe Kochavi (1928-2008)

Collaborated with the late Prof. Aharoni in establishing the Institute of Archaeology at Tel Aviv University. Directed the Institute twice. Conducted the first major archaeological survey of the Judean hill country in 1967-1968. Prof. Kochavi was an inspiring teacher and researcher in the Department of Archaeology.

Prof. Pirhiya Beck

Prof. Pirhiya Beck (1931-1998)

An ancient art researcher in the Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures at Tel Aviv University.
Founder of the Mesopotamian Studies and Ancient Near Eastern art Department head (1985-1989), a devoted teacher of her students. Bequeathed her private book collection to the Institute library.

Prof. Raphael Giveon

Prof. Raphael Giveon (1916-1985)

Founder of the Egyptology studies in the Archaeology Department at Tel Aviv University.  Teacher and researcher in the Department. Leader of survey expeditions to the Temple of Serabit el Khadem, Southern Sinai, 1968-1978. Bequeathed his private book collection to the Institute library.

Ephrat-Tirzah Yeivin

Ephrat-Tirzah Yeivin (1930-1975)

A Teacher in the archaeology department at Tel Aviv University. A donation was given to the library by her family and friends.

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