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More Resources and Inspiration for Papers?

We are once again happy to present here our latest updates: new links to online journals, ebook collections and databases and projects. Hope they will help our student working on research papers.


Ebook collections

Databases and projects

  • Ancient Locations:Database of Archaeological Sites ANCIENT LOCATIONS is a collection of Placemarks of archaeologically interesting locations of the ancient world. The list is continuously updated and expanded to give anyone with an interest in archaeology and history the possibility to look up the coordinates of relevant sites. Locations are included if they existed prior to 476 CE in the Old World (end of the West-Roman Empire) and prior to 1492 CE in the New World (re-discovery of the New World).

  • Ancient Ports in the Mediterranean Based on the ancient harbors and the active cities and citizens of the Mediterranean, the mapping, the recording and the prominence of the local cultural identity may begin. At the same time, the conservation of the sea and the safeguard of peace may be enhanced. The Sea, which divides and unites, is the subject and underlay of climate change. Since the Ancient Ports and Cities of the Mediterranean are the basic factors of the activities performed by the active citizens, the latter, if related and collaborating, may begin the reversion and rebirth now.

  • Ancient World Mapping Center The Ancient World Mapping Center, in collaboration with the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University, seeks Expressions of Interest from freelance and contract web developers interested in a small project to replace an online viewer for the so-called “Peutinger Map” of the Roman World. The current HTML+JavaScript web application has been in production on the Web since 2011, providing a seamless “pan and zoom” interface to a raster image of the map, with switchable SVG layers highlighting thematic features. Raster tile services were implemented in the application using the free and open-source Djatoka server application, which is now defunct.

  • APAAME: Aerial Photography Archive for Archaeology in the Middle East APAAME is long-term research project founded by David Kennedy and based at the University of Sheffield (1978-1990 and then the University of Western Australia (1990-2015). In 2015 it moved to the University of Oxford (School of Archaeology). Since 1998 it has been directed by Professor David Kennedy and Dr Robert Bewley. The project is designed both to develop a methodology suited to the region, discover, record, monitor and illuminate settlement history in the Near East. The archive currently consists of over 115,000 (mainly aerial) images and maps, the majority of which are displayed on the archive’s Flickr site.

  • Archive of the Department of Antiquities of Mandatory Palestine (1919 – 1948) The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) archive entered the government project of “intensifying national foundations and heritage”, with the aim of preserving and digitizing the British Mandatory section. The purpose of the project is to enable the wide public in Israel and across the world accessing this unique data. The digitations project includes, first and foremost, the physical preservation of the different files, which include hand and typewritten texts, photographs, maps and plans that appear on a variety of papers, including greaseproof, rice, stencils and others.

  • Geographic Data for Ancient Near Eastern Archaeological Sites A preliminary set of placemarks (ANE.kmz) for Google Earth of a selection of the most important archaeological sites in the Ancient Near East can be downloaded here.

  • Hittites Monuments Hittites Monuments is a digital humanities project aiming to provide visual references to all major Hittite/Neo-Hittite period monuments. The locations listed below are the sites or find spots of monuments or monumental remnants belonging to the times of Hittite/Luwian civilization and culture. The color coding and text list below divides the sites in two chronological groups. This is not a complete list, nor the listed sites may have complete information. As time permits I continue provide updates.

  • Mycenaean Atlas The purpose of the Mycenaean Atlas is to furnish accurate lat/lon pairs for Bronze Age sites in the central and eastern Mediterranean. The emphasis of the Atlas is on the Later Greek Bronze Age (the Mycenaean) although the Atlas does include sites associated with the Early Bronze, Middle Bronze, Sub-Mycenaean, and the Geometric. Presently there are more than 4300 named and located sites in the Atlas.

  • Neo-Assyrian Bibliography Funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) grant S 10802–G18 (research project “Royal Institutional Households in 1st Millennium BC Mesopotamia,” part of the National Research Network “Imperium and Officium: Comparative Studies in Ancient Bureaucracy and Officialdom”) during the period March 2009-February 2015.

  • OldMapsOnline OldMapsOnline developed out of a love of history and heritage of old maps. The project began as a collaboration between Klokan Technologies GmbH, Switzerland and The Great Britain Historical GIS Project based at the University of Portsmouth, UK thanks to funding from JISC. Since January 2013 is the project improved and maintained by volunteers and the team of Klokan Technologies GmbH in their free time.

  • Palestine Open Maps Palestine Open Maps is a platform for map-based exploration and immersive storytelling. This alpha version of the platform allows users to navigate and search the historic map sheets, and to view basic data about present and erased localities.

  • Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom The online database “Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom” (PNM) is developed as part of the projects “Umformung und Variabilität im Korpus altägyptischer Personennamen 2055–1550 v. Chr.” and “Altägyptische Titel in amtlichen und familiären Kontexten, 2055-1352 v. Chr.”, funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. The database contains Egyptian Middle Kingdom personal names, people, written sources, titles, and dossiers of persons attested in various sources. Version 3, currently available online, covers the sources from the reign of Mentuhotep II to the reign of Kamose (late 11th–17th Dynasty). The database is a work in progress. Along with additional sources, future versions will also include better translations and classification of names as well as translations of titles.

  • Roman Roads and Milestones in Judaea/Palaestina In 1970 The Israel Milestone Committee (IMC) was formed by Mordechai Gichon as a branch of the International Curatorium of the Corpus Miliariorum. The aim of the committee was to assemble, study and prepare for publication the milestones inscriptions found in Israel. The IMC also intended to carry out a systematic survey of all the extant remains related to roads, in order to provide a comprehensive picture of the Roman road network in Israel. For almost 40 years the Committee’s field and research work was led by Israel Roll and Benjamin Isaac together with other scholars.

  • The Bornblum Eretz Israel Synagogues Website The main goal of the The Bornblum Eretz Israel Synagogues website is to display the world of synagogues from the Land of Israel for the scholar, student and layperson. This website provides information such as bibliographical references, geographical location, photos, plans and brief descriptions of ancient synagogues from the Roman and Byzantine periods in the Land of Israel. It also presents information on selected historically significant synagogues from the Middle Ages through the beginning of the 20th century. This site will be constantly updated including the latest relevant research news and scholarly works. A search of bibliographical references is currently in preparation.

  • The Digital Archaeological Atlas of the Holy Land The Digital Archaeological Atlas of the Holy Land (DAAHL) is an international project that brings together experts in information technology including Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the archaeology of the Holy Land (modern Israel, Palestine, Jordan, southern Lebanon, Syria and the Sinai Peninsula) to create the first on-line digital atlas of the region held sacred to the three great monotheistic faiths - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Using the power of spatial information systems such as Google Maps and Google Earth, GIS, the tens of thousands of recorded archaeological sites for the region - from the remote prehistoric periods to the early 20th century - will be entered into a comprehensive database along with site maps, photographs and artifacts. The historical and archaeological content for this project will be developed by a team of over 30 international scholars working in the region, helping to provide the data used to create the Atlas. This website and its content will serve as the prototype "knowledge node" of a more comprehensive Digital Archaeological Atlas Network for the Mediterranean region.

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