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New Books on Our Shelves February 2022

Happy to share the new books and new journal volumes that are available now in our library:

The Manasseh Hill From Nahal ʿIron to Nahal Schechem (2016) | Adam Zertal and Nivi Mirkman

The volume presents the results of a detailed survey of north-western Samaria in Israel/Palestine. It is the third volume of the Manasseh Hill Country Survey publications. This project, in progress from 1978 and covering 2500 sq. km, is a thorough mapping of the archaeological-historical area between the River Jordan and the Sharon Plain and between Nahal 'Iron and the Dead Sea. The survey is a valuable tool for scholars of the Bible, Archaeology, Near Eastern history and other aspects of the Holy Land. This volume describes the area between Nahal 'Iron (Wadi 'Ara) in the north and Nahal Shechem (Wadi She'ir) in the south. It is a fully revised and updated version of the Hebrew publication of 2000.


The Manasseh Hill From Nahal Bezeq to the Sartaba (2017) | Adam Zertal and Shay Bar

This book presents the results of a complete detailed survey of the north-eastern region of Samaria, mainly the northern area of the Jordan Valley, in the territory of Israel/Palestine. It is Volume 4 of the Manasseh Hill Country Survey publications. This project, in progress since 1978 and covering 2500 sq. km, is a thorough, metre-by-metre mapping of the archaeological-historical area between the River Jordan and the Sharon Plain, and between Nahal 'Iron and the north-eastern point of the Dead Sea. This territory is one of the most important in the country from the Biblical and archaeological points of view; and the survey is a valuable tool for scholars of the Bible, Archaeology, Near Eastern history and other aspects of the Holy Land.

This volume (covering ca. 250 sq. km) describes the area of the Jordan Valley between Nahal Bezeq (Wadi Shubash) in the north and the Sartaba range in the south. It is a fully revised and updated version of the Hebrew publication of 2005.


The Manasseh Hill The Middle Jordan Valley, from Wadi Fasael to Wadi ‘Aujah (2019) | Adam Zertal and Shay Bar

The book presents the results of a complete detailed survey of the eastern region of Samaria, mainly the Middle Jordan Valley, within the territory of Israel/Palestine. It is Volume 5 of the Manasseh Hill Country Survey publications. This project, in progress since 1978, and covering 2500 sq. km, is a thorough, metre-by-metre mapping of the archaeological-historical area between the River Jordan and the Sharon Plain, and between Nahal 'Iron and the north-eastern point of the Dead Sea. This territory is one of the most important in the country from the Biblical and archaeological view; and the survey is a valuable tool for scholars of the Bible, archaeology, Near Eastern history and other aspects of the Holy Land. This volume describes the area of the Jordan Valley between Wadi Fasael in the north and Wadi 'Aujah in the south. It is a fully revised and updated version of the Hebrew publication of 2012. "This rich volume makes an important contribution to the corpus of archaeological and historical knowledge about the land of Israel, and it will be a necessary acquisition for academic libraries. It will be of great interest to all those concerned with the study of the history and archaeology of the land of Israel." - Ralph K. Hawkins, Averett University, Danville, VA, in: Near East Archaeological Society Bulletin 64 (2019)


The Manasseh Hill The Eastern Samaria Shoulder, from Nahal Tirzah (Wadi Far'ah) to Ma’ale Ephraim Junction (2021) | Shay Bar and Adam Zertal

The book presents the results of a complete detailed survey of the eastern region of Samaria, mainly the Eastern Samaria Shoulder, from Nahal Tirzah (Wadi Far'ah) to Ma’ale Ephraim Junction within the territory of Israel/Palestine. It is Volume 6 of the Manasseh Hill Country Survey publications. This project, in progress since 1978, and covering 2500 sq. km, is a thorough, metre-by-metre mapping of the archaeological-historical area between the River Jordan and the Sharon Plain, and between Nahal 'Iron and the north-eastern point of the Dead Sea. This territory is one of the most important in the country from the Biblical and archaeological view; and the survey is a valuable tool for scholars of the Bible, archaeology, Near Eastern history and other aspects of the Holy Land.


Dan IV - The Iron Age I Settlement The Avraham Biran Excavations (1966-1999) (2019) | David Ilan

In this comprehensive final report David Ilan and 12 other contributing authors present the rich finds from the Iron Age I (circa 1200-950 BCE) levels at Tel Dan, located at the headwaters of the Dan tributary of the Jordan River, in the northeastern Hula Valley in northern Israel. The early Iron Age levels at Tel Dan have particular resonance in the light of their perceived association with the biblical account of the migration of the tribe of Dan, described in Judges 18. Much of what is portrayed in this volume is still visible at Tel Dan, in the national park located in the far north of modern-day Israel. The finds described in this volume were gleaned in the course of Avraham Biran's 1966-1999 excavations at the site. The architecture, ceramics, metal, flint, bone and ground stone objects and ecofacts all contribute to the portrayal of a cosmopolitan society that thrived, initially, under Egyptian imperial rule, subsequently forging its own way following the departure of Egyptian hegemony. The early Iron Age levels at Tel Dan show material evidence for the presence of local peoples, Egyptians, Cypriots, Aegeans, and Syrians, who together, negotiated a new identity, as Danites. Illustrated in colour and black & white throughout, and with five plans folded and within a pocket at the back of the volume.


Evolving God A Provocative View in the Origins of Religion (2017) | Barbara J. King

Religion has been a central part of human experience since at least the dawn of recorded history. The gods change, as do the rituals, but the underlying desire remains—a desire to belong to something larger, greater, most lasting than our mortal, finite selves. But where did that desire come from? Can we explain its emergence through evolution? Yes, says biological anthropologist Barbara J. King—and doing so not only helps us to understand the religious imagination, but also reveals fascinating links to the lives and minds of our primate cousins. Evolving God draws on King’s own fieldwork among primates in Africa and paleoanthropology of our extinct ancestors to offer a new way of thinking about the origins of religion, one that situates it in a deep need for emotional connection with others, a need we share with apes and monkeys. Though her thesis is provocative, and she’s not above thoughtful speculation, King’s argument is strongly rooted in close observation and analysis. She traces an evolutionary path that connects us to other primates, who, like us, display empathy, make meanings through interaction, create social rules, and display imagination—the basic building blocks of the religious imagination. With fresh insights, she responds to recent suggestions that chimpanzees are spiritual—or even religious—beings, and that our ancient humanlike cousins carefully disposed of their dead well before the time of Neandertals. King writes with a scientist’s appreciation for evidence and argument, leavened with a deep empathy and admiration for the powerful desire to belong, a desire that not only brings us together with other humans, but with our closest animal relations as well.


The Dying Body as a Lived Experience (2017) | Alan Blum

The anxiety over death persists in everyday life- though often denied or repressed- lingering as an unconscious worry or intuition that typically seems to compromise one’s feelings of well-being and experience in a range of areas; coming out often as malaise, depression, and anger in much conduct. If one accepts the cliché that life is preparation for death, we must accept that the lived experience of the dying body is not highlighted merely in obvious cases of deterioration such as in the ageing or diseased body, but in everyday life as a normal phenomenon.

This book proposes that sensitivity to this dimension can empower us to develop creative relationships to the vulnerability of others and to ourselves as well. Part One lays the groundwork for a study of the ways the aura and fear of death recurs as a constant premonition in life and how people try to deal with this uneasiness. Part Two then goes on to apply this focus to particular concerns and problems such as dementia, depression, aging, retirement, and a range of anxieties, frustrations and aggressions.

The Dying Body as Lived Experience will be of interest to a wide interdisciplinary audience in the health sciences, in the sociology of health and illness, philosophy, bioethics and in the expanding field of medical humanities.

Table of Contents:

Prologue: The Dying Body as Lived Experience

Introduction: Death, Mystery, Life

1. Desperation as Grey Zone

2. Fear and Trembling

3. The Collective Fantasizes Death: The Imaginary at the End of its Tether

4. Fear and Likely Stories

5. Death, Happiness and the Meaning of Life: The View from Sociology

6. Ending and Beginning

Part 2: Dementia and the Look of Madness: Aging, Raging and the Poetics of Passing On

7. The Enigma of the Brain and its Place as Cause, Character, and Pretext in the Imaginary of Dementia

8. The Writing Machine: Public Health, Dementia and the Spell of the Brain as an Object of Social Enthusiasm

9. Plague Strikes the Family

10. The Cliché of Depression

11. Tragedy and Comedy

12. The Travesty of End of Life


Jerusalem II Jerusalem in Roman-Byzantine Times (2021) | Katharina Heyden and Maria Lissek (eds.)

The present volume gives insights into the shape, life and claims of Jerusalem in Roman-Byzantine Times (2nd to 7th century). Regarding the history of religions and its impact on urbanistic issues, the city of Jerusalem is of special and paradigmatic interest. The coexistence and sometimes rivalry of Jewish, Hellenistic, Roman, Christian and later Islamic cults had an impact on urban planning. The city's importance as a centre of international pilgrimage and educational tourism affected demographic and institutional characteristics. Moreover, the rivalry between the various religious traditions at the holy places effected a plurivalent sacralisation of the urban area. To show transitions and transformations, coexistence and conflicts, seventeen articles by internationally distinguished researchers from different fields, such as archaeology, Christian theology, history, Jewish and Islamic studies, are brought together to constitute this collection of essays.

Introduction Katharina Heyden/Maria Lissek: Jerusalem: Shape, Life and Claims Part One: Shape of the City: Topography and Buildings Max Küchler/Markus Lau: Topographie und Baugeschichte Jerusalems in römischer und byzantinischer Zeit – Christoph Markschies: Die Christianisierung Jerusalems und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Urbanisierung – Ute Verstegen: Die christliche Sakralisierung Jerusalems von Konstantin bis Heraklios – Harald Buchinger: Liturgy and Topography in Late Antique Jerusalem – Jürgen Krüger: Die Grabeskirche: Entstehung und Entwicklung bis in frühislamische Zeit

Part Two: Life in and around the City: Economics and Religions Jon Seligman: The Economy of Jerusalem from the Second to Seventh Centuries – Ronny Reich: The Cultic and Secular Use of Water in Roman and Byzantine Jerusalem – Nicole Belayche: The Religious Life at Aelia Capitolina (ex-Jerusalem) in Roman Times (Hadrian to Constantine) – Hagith Sivan: The Making of Memory: Jerusalem and Palestinian Jewry in Late Antiquity – Ora Limor: Jewish and Christian Pilgrims to Jerusalem in Late Antiquity – Andreas Müller: Jerusalem als Zentrum von Wohltätigkeit in der Spätantike – Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony: Monastic Networks in Byzantine Jerusalem Part Three: Claims on the City: Emperors, Bishops and Monks Jan Willem Drijvers: Jerusalem – Aelia Capitolina: Imperial Intervention, Patronage and Munificence – Lorenzo Perrone: Jerusalem alskirchliches Zentrum der frühbyzantinischen Reichskirche – Christoph Brunhorn: Die Bedeutung Jerusalemsfür das Mönchtum der Judäischen Wüste: Monastische Topographie im hagiographischen Corpus Kyrills von Skythopolis

Epilogue: The City in Early Islamic Period Angelika Neuwirth: Al-masjid al-aqṣā: The Qur'anic New Jerusalem – Boaz Shoshan: The Islamic Conquest: Continuity and Change


The Dawn of Everything A New History of Humanity (2021) | David Graeber and David Wengrow

For generations, our remote ancestors have been cast as primitive and childlike—either free and equal innocents, or thuggish and warlike. Civilization, we are told, could be achieved only by sacrificing those original freedoms or, alternatively, by taming our baser instincts. David Graeber and David Wengrow show how such theories first emerged in the eighteenth century as a conservative reaction to powerful critiques of European society posed by Indigenous observers and intellectuals. Revisiting this encounter has startling implications for how we make sense of human history today, including the origins of farming, property, cities, democracy, slavery, and civilization itself. Drawing on pathbreaking research in archaeology and anthropology, the authors show how history becomes a far more interesting place once we learn to throw off our conceptual shackles and perceive what’s really there. If humans did not spend 95 percent of their evolutionary past in tiny bands of hunter-gatherers, what were they doing all that time? If agriculture, and cities, did not mean a plunge into hierarchy and domination, then what kinds of social and economic organization did they lead to? The answers are often unexpected, and suggest that the course of human history may be less set in stone, and more full of playful, hopeful possibilities, than we tend to assume. The Dawn of Everything fundamentally transforms our understanding of the human past and offers a path toward imagining new forms of freedom, new ways of organizing society. This is a monumental book of formidable intellectual range, animated by curiosity, moral vision, and a faith in the power of direct action.


Evolution of a Taboo Pigs and People in the Ancient Near East (2020) | Max D. Price

From their domestication to their taboo, pigs and their shifting roles in the ancient Near East are among the most complicated topics in archaeology. Rejecting monocausal explanations, this book adopts an evolutionary approach and draws upon zooarchaeology and ancient texts to unravel the cultural significance of swine from the Paleolithic to today. Five major themes emerge: the domestication of the pig from wild boar in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic, the unique functions of pigs in agricultural economies before and after the development of complex societies, the raising of swine in cities, the changing ritual roles of pigs, and the formation and evolution of the pork taboo in Judaism and, later, Islam. The development of this taboo has inspired much academic debate. I argue that the well-known taboo described in Leviticus reflects the intention of the biblical writers to craft an image of a glorious pastoral ancestry for a heroic Israelite past, something they achieved in part by tying together existing food traditions. These included a taboo on pigs, which arose early in the Iron Age during conflicts between Israelites and Philistines and was revitalized by the biblical writers. The taboo persisted and mutated, gaining strength over the next two and a half millennia. In particular, the pig taboo became a point of contention in the ethnopolitical struggles between Jewish and Greco-Roman cultures in the Levant. Ultimately, it was this continued evolution within the context of ethnic and religious politics that gave the pig taboo the strength it has today.


Göbelki Tepe A Stone Age Sanctuary in South-Eastern Anatolia (2012) | Klaus Schmidt

Table of Contents:

I. A “Re”-Discovery:

1.At the Wishing Tree

2.Urfa – City and Region

II. Finds, Researchers, Technical Terms:

1.The Three-Age System, the Nolithic and the Jericho Shock

2.The Fertile Crescent and the “Hilly Flanks”

3.ÇatalHöyük– Another “City” from the Stone Age

4.Çayönü Çori – the Early Birth of Hephaistos

5.Nevalı Çori – In the Valley of the Plahue

6.Gürcütepe and the Birth of a New Research Project

III. Göbelki Tepe:

1.The “Belly” Mountain

2.Enclosure A – The Snake Pillars Building

3.Enclosure B – a Mesopotamian Stonehenge in the Making: the Fox Pillars Building

4.Enclosure C – In the Circle of the Boars

5.Enclosure D – In the Stone Age Zoo

IV. Between Meaning and Interpretation – Approaching Images and World of the Stone Age:

1.Animals and Depiction of Animals in the Ancient Near East

2.Cultural Memory and the Dream Paths of the Stone Age

V. The More Recent Layers of Göbelki Tepe and the End of the Hunters’ Sanctuary:

1.The More Recent Building and the Lion Pillars Building

2.When the Hunter Needed the Farmer – Preconditions for a Sanctuary of the Early Neolithic

Göbelki Tepe – Recent Finds and Thoughts An Epilogue


Ceramic Petrography The Interpretation of Archaeological Pottery & Related Artefacts in Thin Section (2013) | Patrick Sean Quinn

Thin section ceramic petrography is a versatile interdisciplinary analytical tool for the characterization and interpretation of archaeological pottery and related artefacts, including ceramic building materials, refractories and plaster. Using over 200 colour photomicrographs of thin sections from a diverse range of artefacts, archaeological periods and geographic regions, this book illustrates the spectrum of compositional and microstructural phenomena that occur within ancient ceramics under the micro-scope and provides comprehensive guidelines for their study within archaeology. The book is structured according to the main steps involved in the analysis and interpretation of archaeological ceramic thin sections, including classification, characterization, the determination of provenance and the reconstruction of manufacturing technology. It can be used as a reference manual for microscope research as well as a course book for specialist training on thin section petrography and archaeological ceramic analysis.


A Study in the Syntax of the Luwian Language (2020) | Federico Giusfredi

The Ancient Anatolian corpora represent the earliest documented examples of the Indo-European languages. In this book, an analysis of the syntactic structure of the Luwian phrases, clauses, and sentences is attempted, basing on a phrase-structural approach that entails a mild application of the theoretical framework of generative grammar. While obvious limits exist as regards the use of theory-driven models to the study and description of ancient corpus-languages, this books aims at demonstrating and illustrating the main configurational features of the Luwian syntax.


Taymāʾ II: Catalogue of the Inscriptions Discovered in the Saudi-German Excavations at Taymāʾ 2004-2015 (2020) | Michael C. A. Macdonald

This Catalogue contains all the inscriptions discovered during the twenty-four seasons of the Saudi-German excavations at Taymāʾ between 2004 and 2015. Its somewhat unusual structure reflects changes in the treatment of the inscriptions over the period of the excavations. Originally, Hanspeter Schaudig was asked to edit the cuneiform inscriptions and Peter Stein the Imperial Aramaic texts. By 2010, Peter Stein had prepared an excellent report on the Imperial Aramaic (and one Taymāʾ Aramaic) inscriptions found in the 2004–2009 seasons with an historical introduction and detailed study, and it was planned to publish this separately. In 2010, I was asked to join the team in Taymāʾ and to work on all the inscriptions, except the cuneiform (which are beyond my competence) and the Imperial Aramaic from the 2004–2009 seasons, which Peter Stein had already studied. My first task was to make a full autopsy of all the alphabetic inscriptions from the excavations and this was achieved over the following seasons. It quickly became clear that a complete and coherent catalogue of all the texts was required and I was asked to undertake this. Thus, I am responsible for the catalogue as a whole (everything in the Table of Contents which does not bear someone else’s name) with individual sections by Hanspeter Schaudig (Section 1), Peter Stein (Section 2) and Frédéric Imbert (section 9), and contributions on the ceramics of the ostraca in Section 3 by Francelin Tourtet and on the relief of TA 10277 by Arnulf Hausleiter in Section 4. Peter Stein’s contribution (Section 2) is in German and is published as an integral whole, regardless of any minor inconsistencies between his views and mine on the history of Liḥyān, dating on the basis of palaeography, etc. Finally, in Appendix C, Martina Trognitz describes the use of RTI photography of the inscriptions.

In addition to this catalogue, which is published as the second volume (Taymāʾ II) of the

Taymāʾ excavation reports, I also made autopsies of all the inscriptions already in the Taymāʾ Museum and which were brought to it from outside the excavations. This will be published in Taymāʾ III as The Catalogue of the Inscriptions in the Taymāʾ Museum and Other Collections, by Muḥammad Al-Najem, director of the Taymāʾ Museum, and myself.

To avoid the reader having to check the indexes in each of these volumes, a combined index of the names and words from the inscriptions in both catalogues will be found at the end of each of them. The references are distinguished by the prefixes TA for those from the Saudi-German excavations and TM for those in the Taymāʾ Museum. The list of tombstones of men and of women in Appendix A of the present volume as well as the lists of inscriptions by script, type, and date also include inscriptions from both catalogues, to give as complete a picture as possible. It should be noted that all of the inscriptions found in the Saudi-German excavations had been reused in secondary contexts, and in the process many had been broken or reshaped with a consequent loss of text. It is therefore impossible to say anything about the original positions and uses of the inscriptions or to provide any external dating for them. This is obviously extremely frustrating for the archaeologists and epigraphists alike, especially since we know comparatively little about the history of North Arabia in the first millennium BC. However, what a number of the Imperial Aramaic inscriptions have revealed for the first time is that Taymāʾ was ruled by the kingdom of Liḥyān at some period in the second half of the first millennium BC. I would like to thank Muḥammad Al-Najem, director of the Taymāʾ Museum, and his staff for all their help and cooperation over several seasons. I am deeply grateful to Ricardo Eichmann and Arnulf Hausleiter for asking me to join the project and for supplying me with all the context information and photographs of the inscriptions. Finally, I would like to thank my co-authors Hanspeter Schaudig, Peter Stein, Frédéric Imbert, Martina Trognitz, Arnulf Hausleiter and Francelin Tourtet for their excellent contributions.


Ramla City of Muslim Palestine, 715-1917 (2021) | Andrew Peterson and Denys Pringle (eds.)

Ramla presents a comprehensive overview of the history, archaeology and architecture of the city of Ramla from the time of its foundation as the capital of Umayyad Palestine around 715 until the end of Ottoman rule in 1917. It begins with a historical outline covering in turn the early Islamic (Robert Hoyland), Crusader (Peter Edbury), Ayyubid-Mamluk (Donald S. Richards) and Ottoman periods (Matthew Elliot). In the archaeological section, Gideon Avni's synthesis of the results of excavations on the early Islamic city is followed by discussions of the Umayyad-period aqueduct (Amir Gorzalczany) and the historical interpretation of First World War aerial photographs (Benjamin Z. Kedar). Architectural studies include a complete corpus of the surviving Muslim buildings (Andrew Petersen), a reassessment of the remains of the White Mosque (Michael H. Burgoyne), an account of the Christian buildings (Denys Pringle), and an analysis of late Ottoman alterations to the Great Mosque (Katia Cytryn-Silverman). The final section on numismatics and epigraphy includes chapters on the coinage of Umayyad Ramla (Nikolaus Schindel), the Arabic inscriptions (Mehmet Tutuncu) and late medieval Christian pilgrims' graffiti (Denys Pringle). The volume concludes with three appendices, including a hitherto unpublished report on the White Mosque (1919-20) by K.A.C. Creswell, a gazetteer of settlements in the Crusader lordships of Ramla, Lydda and Mirabel, and the endowment deed for a house dated 1713 (Maher Abu-Munshar).


Excavations in the City Of David Jerusalem (1995-2010) Area A, J, F, H, D and L (2021) | Ronny Reich and Eli Shukron

The City of David, more specifically the southeastern hill of first- and second-millennium BCE Jerusalem, has long captivated the imagination of the world. Archaeologists and historians, biblical scholars and clergy, Christians, Muslims, and Jews, and tourists and armchair travelers from every corner of the globe, to say nothing of politicians of all stripes, look to this small stretch of land in awe, amazement, and anticipation.

In the City of David, in the ridge leading down from the Temple Mount, hardly a stone has remained unturned. Archaeologists have worked at a dizzying pace digging and analyzing. But while preliminary articles abound, there is a grievous lack of final publications of the excavations—a regrettable limitation on the ability to fully integrate vital and critical results into the archaeological reconstruction of ancient Jerusalem.

Excavations of the City of David are conducted under the auspices of the Israel Antiquities Authority. The Authority has now partnered with the Center for the Study of Ancient Jerusalem and its publication arm, the Ancient Jerusalem Publication Series, for the publication of reports that are written and designed for the scholar as well as for the general reader. Excavations in the City of David (APJ 1), is the first volume in this series.


ארץ-ישראל, ספר עדה ירדני, כרך 34, 2021

תוכן עניינים:

פתח דבר / המערכת

עדה ירדני, חוקרת דגולה של הכתב השמי הקדום / דוד יסלזון

עדה ירדני: דברים לזכרה / חנה כותן

לאמי, עדה ירדני / חגית להב

המתודולוגיה של עדה ירדני / דפנה אוניל

פרסומי עדה עדה ירדני

קיצורים ביבליוגרפיים

אהוד אבודרהם / קמע "פלימפססט" במנדאית הקדומה: לבירור טיבם של שלושה טסים מאגיים מאוסף סכוין

אליעזר אורן, שמואל אחיטוב, אבנר אילון, מירה בת-מתיוס, יובל גורן ואורית שמיר / טביעת חותם של עבד ירבעם

טל אילן / עוד "כתובה" על פפירוס ממצרים הביזנטית

יצחק דבירה וגבריאל ברקאי / בולה מתקופת הברזל מהר הבית ושימושיה באוצרות המקדש

אהרן דמסקי / כתובת "חנניה בר דידלוס מירושלים"

דניאל ויינשטוב / רבי יעקב החזן במערת המכפלה

עדה ירדני ז"ל וגדעון בוהק / חמישה קמעות להגנה על קירה מריין ועל העובר שברחמה

משה מורגנשטיין / חמש קערות מאגיות מנאדיות מאוסף שלמה מוסיוף

ענת מנדל-גברוביץ' / הקורפוס המורחב והמעודכן של חותמות יהודאיים וטביעותיהם: סקירה והערות מתודולוגיות-פליאוגרפיות

חגי משגב / ברכה לתורמים: כתובת מבית הכנסת בכורסי, קריאה חדשה

שמואל פסברג / כינוי המושא לנסתרים בשמית הצפון-מערבית

רן צדוק / עמק הדבינאי(ם) ועין עידן (או עירן)

מנחם קיסטר / היו"ד וקוצי האותיות: יחידות ספרותיות ומימרות בספרות חז"ל ובאוונגליונים

איתן קליין, בועז זיסו, ולדיק ליפשיץ, ופדריקו קוברין / מאגיה יהודית בעת צרה? חרותת "אבצדריום" במערכת מסתור מימי מרד בר כוכבא בח'רבת א-דואימה

רוני רייך / על קשר גרפי אפשרי בין "קריאת שמע" (דברים ו: ד) ובין הסמל המכונה "מגן דוד"

שאול שקד ורבקה אליצור-ליימן / "בשימות האילו הקדושים אני משביע ומזכיר": קמע לרפואתו של נונוס בר סוירה

Maria Giulia Amadasi Guzzo / Two Neo-Punic Inscriptions in Levi Della Vida’s Papers

Erhard Blum / Kuntillet ‘Ajrud 4.1: New Reconstructions and Readings

Martin Heide / Animals in West Semitic Inscriptions (Aramic, Ammonite, Hebrew, Moabite, and Phoenician) from the Early First Millennium BCE

Robert G. Hoyland / The Christian Palestine Aramaic Papyri of Nessana

Ahmad Al-Jallad / The “One” God in Safaitic Inscription

David Jeselsohn and Ada Yardeni / A Land Flowing with Olives and Oil: Estimationg Plantation Sizes and Olive Yield in the Idumean Ostraca

Ernst Axel Knauf / Ἑβραϊστί

Reinhard G. Lehmann / Areappraisal of the Formerly So-Called Rapaʾ Arrowhead (DGA 16485)

André Lemaire and Michael Langlois / Judahite Religion in Light of Hebrew Ostraca from the Jeselsohn Collection: a Preliminary Overview

M.C.A. Macdonald / A Preliminary Analysis of the Ḥawrān Aramaic Script

Bezalel Porten / A Dozen Idumean Fragments

Jonathan J. Price / The Ḥimyarites at Beth SheꜤarim

Émile Puech / Les inscriptions 10 et 7 de Ḥorvat ꜤUza: deux documents administratifs

Matthieu Richelle / A Re-Examination of the Reading BT DWD (“house of David”) on the Mesha Stele

Peter Stein / A New Aspect of Writing in Ancient South Arabia

Richard C. Steiner / Notes on the Semantic Fields of Papyrus and Service in Semitic and Egyptian

Günter Stemberger / Mishnah Sanhedarin 1–2: A Utopian Constitution of the Jewish State


TAU Archaeology, Vol. 8, 2022


Message from the Chair of the Department and the Director of the Institute

The International MA Program on Ancient Israel Studies

Students in the International MA Program

Our Lecturers Our Students’ Research On a Personal Note






Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages, Volume 47 (No. 2), 2021


Kyle R. Greenwood | Abandoned Ships: A Syntactic and Lexical Reconstruction of Job 40:31 | 1-19 Young Bok Kim | The Functions of Krita’s Epithets: A Philological and Literary Analysis | 21-35 Kathryn McConaughy | Medill, Is This Directive He Inappropriate? The Directive He and Fictive Motion in Biblical Hebrew | 37-55 Dmytro Tsolin | Zur Verwendung der Verbalformen in syrischen Bedingungssätzen. Teil 1: Die faktischen Konditionalsätze | 57-81 Christo H.J. van der Merwe | An Evaluation of the Front Matter of the Dictionary of Classical Hebrew. Volume 1. Aleph. Revised. | 83-109 Book Reviews | 111-122 Book List | 123 Addresses of Authors | 125


Biblische Notizen, Vol. 191, 2021


Delight in Torah: The Book of Psalms | Erhard S. Gerstenberger La rédaction du Psautier par inclusion en cinq livres | Bernard Gosse What Kind of Person Wrote Psalms 23? | Brent A. Strawn Eine ägyptische Parallele für Ps 121,3-4 | Stefan Bojowlad "His Hand Shall Establish You": 4QPsx/4QPs89 as Reworked Scripture for an Eschatological Setting | David J. Larson Revisiting Psalms 63 | Richard J. Clifford Navajo Chants, Babylonian Incantations, Old Testament Psalms: A Comparative Study of Healing Rituals | Erhard Gerstenberger



Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins, Vol.137 (No. 2), 2021


The Date of the Cuclopean Wall at Tell er-Rumēdel Tēl Ḥevrōn. By David Ussishkin Noch einmal zu Nehesi. Von Stefan Bojowald Scribal Cartography in Numbers 32, Deuteronomy 2–3, and Joshua 12–13. By Stephen Germany The Date of the Ophel Pithos Inscriptions. An Arcaeological Perspective. By Assaf Kleiman A Group of Ionic Architectural Items from Maresha (Israel) Revisited. Aspects of Hellenization and Their Impact. With an Appendix on a Heterodox Composite Volute Capital from Tell Iẓṭabbā. By Moshe Fischer


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On Thursday, December 19th, work will be carried out in the library to upgrade the lighting. The library will remain open, and we will...


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