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New Books on Our Shelves March-April 2022

We are happy to share some of the new books and new journal volumes that are now available in our library:

Summaries are taken from publishers websites.

The Akkadian and Sumerian Texts from Ortakoy-Sapinuwa (2021) | Daniel Schwemer and Aygul Suel

The Hittite site near the town Ortakoy (Corum Province, Turkey) has been the subject of archaeological investigations since 1990 and has produced a large number of cuneiform text finds from the Early Empire period of the Hittite kingdom (14th cent. BCE). The texts show that the site is to be identified with the Hittite city of sapinuwa, which served as royal residence and capital of the Hittite kingdom during the reign of Tuthaliya II. In the present volume AygulSuel, the director of the excavations, and Daniel Schwemer publish the Akkadian and Sumerian tablets and fragments from Ortakoy-sapinuwa, which were mainly found in the palace archives of sapinuwa. The texts display the full range of motivations and contexts of writing Akkadian and Sumerian in Hittite Anatolia, including Sumerian lexical texts and Akkadian literary fragments of primarily scholastic interest, Akkadian devotional texts that were adapted for the religious practice of the Hittite royal family, as well as fragments of the Akkadian diplomatic correspondence of the Hittite king. The volume is bilingual and offers all texts in English and in Turkish.

Teaching Archaeology: Lewis R. Binford in the Classroom (2020) | Edited by Nancy Medaris Stone and K. Paddayya

This volume is a compilation of lectures given by Lewis R. Binford in 1982 at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. The book contains a foreword by Nancy Medaris Stone, a writer, editor, and student of Binford’s; a remembrance by Robert K. Hitchcock, who was a student of Binford’s in the 1970s and 1980s; and a preface and introductory paper titled “Lewis R. Binford and the India Connection” by K. Paddayya, emeritus professor and former director of Deccan University in Pune, India. It also includes three brief papers by Binford that were published in India. The core of this volume consists of 37 lectures presented in a course entitled “Strategies of Archaeology.” These lectures provide a rare glimpse of the powerful synergy between his research and teaching. Fortunately, Stone thereby documented this most important aspect of Binford’s contributions to archaeology.

The Oxford History of the Ancient Near East: Vol I: From the Beginnings to Old Kingdom Egypt and the Dynasty of Akkad (2020) | Edited by Karen Radner, Nadine Moeller, and D. T. Potts

The Oxford History of the Ancient Near East offers a comprehensive and fully illustrated survey of the history of Egypt and Western Asia (the Levant, Anatolia, Mesopotamia, and Iran) in five volumes, from the emergence of complex states to the conquests of Alexander the Great. The authors represent a highly international mix of leading academics whose expertise brings alive the people, places, and times of the remote past. The emphasis lies firmly on the political and social histories of the states and communities under investigation. The individual chapters present the key textual and material sources underpinning the historical reconstruction, devoting special attention to the most recent archaeological finds and how they have impacted the current interpretation. The first volume covers the long period from the mid-tenth millennium to the late third millennium BC and presents the history of the Near East in ten chapters: From the Beginnings to Old Kingdom Egypt and the Dynasty of Akkad. Key topics include the domestication of animals and plants; the first permanent settlements; the subjugation and appropriation of the natural environment; the emergence of complex states and belief systems; the invention of the earliest writing systems; and the wide-ranging trade networks that linked diverse population groups across deserts, mountains, and oceans.

Psychology and Cognitive Archaeology: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of the Human Mind (2022) | Edited by Tracy B. Henley, Matt J. Rossano

Psychology and Cognitive Archaeology demonstrates the potential of using cognitive archaeology framing to explore key issues in contemporary psychology and other behavioral sciences.

This edited volume features psychologists exploring archaeological data concerning specific themes such as: the use of tools, our child-rearing practices, our expressions of gender and sexuality, our sleep patterns, the nature of warfare, cultural practices, and the origins of religion. Other chapters touch on cognitive archaeological methods, the history of evolutionary approaches in psychology, and relevant philosophical considerations to further illustrate the interdisciplinary potential between archaeology and psychology. As a complementary counterpoint, the book also includes an archaeologist’s perspective on these same topical matters, as well as robust introductory and concluding thoughts by the editors.

This book will be an illuminating read for students and scholars of psychology (particularly theoretical, social, cognitive, and evolutionary psychology), as well as philosophy, archaeology, and anthropology.

Megiddo VI: The 2010–2014 Seasons. Vol. 1-3 (2022) | Edited by Israel Finkelstein and Mario A. S. Martin

Megiddo, a key site for the study of the Bronze and Iron Ages, is unique among the sites of the ancient Near East. Featuring remains from over 30 settlements, Megiddo is strategically located on the main highway of the Old World, leading from Egypt to Mesopotamia. It is mentioned in important verses in the Bible and in Egyptian and Assyrian texts. Beyond archaeology, it is of great significance to the fields of the history of ancient Israel and biblical studies. The Tel Aviv University excavations at the site aim, through the implementation of modern methods, to achieve a full stratigraphic-chronological sequence, while placing special emphasis on studies related to the exact and life sciences. The three volumes of Megiddo VI: The 2010–2014 Seasons display a rich set of finds, spanning about 1,000 years of history from the Middle Bronze Age to the Iron Age IIB. They include a large number of studies in archaeology and the exact and life sciences, including topics such as radiocarbon dating, geoarchaeology, paleomagnetism, and metallurgy.

Cuneiform in Canaan: The Next Generation. Second edition (2020) | Wayne Horowitz, Takayoshi Oshima, and Seth Sanders

One of the earliest surviving manifestations of the cultural heritage of the Land of Israel in ancient times is the use of the cuneiform script from the Middle Bronze Age to the Iron Age. Cuneiform in Canaan: The Next Generation presents an updated version of the original Cuneiform in Canaan volume that was published by the Israel Exploration Society and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2006. The update volume presents all ninety-seven of the known texts, including new tablets and fragments from Hazor, Megiddo, and now, for the first time, Jerusalem. The volume provides critical editions, up-to-date bibliographies, and discussion of the sources, as well as a new, updated introduction highlighting the ongoing work of the Cuneiform in Canaan Research Project of the Hebrew University, under the directorship of Professor Wayne Horowitz of the Institute of Archaeology.

Tel Rehov : A Bronze and Iron Age City in the Beth-Shean Valley. Volume V. (2020) | Amihai Mazar and Nava Panitz-Cohen

Qedem 63. Tel Reḥov, A Bronze and Iron Age City in the Beth-Shean Valley Volume V. Various Objects and Natural-Science Studies. Jerusalem: The Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Volume V includes two parts. Part I presents studies on various objects of the Late Bronze and Iron Ages: clay, bone, stone and gypsum vessels, grinding stones and other stone objects, metal objects (including metallurgical studies), beads, objects related to the textile industry, scale weights and lithics. Other chapters include an analysis of the spatial distribution of finds in a group of unique 9th century BCE buildings in Area C, burials dating to the Assyrian period, and pottery, glass and coins from the Islamic periods. Part 2 includes a series of natural-science studies: radiometric dates, faunal and fish remains, molluscs, botanical remains, a paleomagnetic study and results of a soil-flotation project.

Khirbet Qeiyafa Vol. 4 : Excavation Report 2007–2013: Art, Cult, and Epigraphy (2018) | Edited by Martin G. Klingbeil

Volume 4 of this series of excavation reports brings together the data of the final seasons of work at Khirbet Qeiyafa. It is well-produced with numerous figures, tables, and full-color photographs. The main focus of the volume (5 out of 6 parts) is on materials found at Iron Age IIA Qeiyafa, which provides well-stratified contexts of some of the earliest expressions of cult materials associated with the early 10th-century kingdom of Judah. While many would argue against a Judahite entity so early (e.g., Finkelstein et al.), the authors of the volume rightly infer a central organization to facilitate the construction of such a site.

The Practice of Canaanite Cult : The Middle and Late Bronze Ages (2021) | Matthew Susnow

This richly illustrated book explores Canaanite religion and ritual from an archaeological perspective. It sheds new light on the use of space within southern Levantine temples as well as the religious ideologies motivating the behavioral patterns identified in those cultic contexts. Religion and ritual are both universalistic and particularistic. The aim of this study is to arrive at a more holistic understanding of MB and LB religion in the southern Levant. To achieve this goal, this book is organized into three main parts: (1) where Canaanite cultic activities were conducted; (2) what activities and rituals were performed within Canaanite cultic spaces; and (3) why and how those activities were conducted in those spaces. The central thesis of this book is that Canaanite religion was remarkably responsive and adaptive and was reflective of the diversity of the various micro-regions in the southern Levant.

Ancient Egypt: The Definitive Visual History (2021) | Steven Snape

Encompassing 3,000 years and 31 Egyptian dynasties, from the time of Narmer to Cleopatra, this fresh appraisal of ancient treasures helps you navigate the political intrigues and cultural achievements of the Ancient Egyptians, from the Pyramids and the Sphinx of Giza to the Great Library and Lighthouse of Alexandria. You'll meet pharaohs such as King Tutankhamun--whose mummified remains and lavish grave goods reveal so much about the society and its beliefs--as well as influential women such as Hatshepsut and Nefertiti, and warriors including Alexander the Great. Lavish photographs reveal the exquisite craftsmanship of their scribes, artists, and metalworkers, and the tomb paintings and relief carvings that captured the everyday life of farmers, artisans, soldiers, and traders in exquisite detail. Exclusive CGI reconstructions use the latest scientific information to recreate the finest tombs, temples, and pyramids.

השטן מהלך בעיר האלוהים: המיזם הארכיאולוגי-הקהילתי בעיר לוד – סיכום זמני (2022) | אלון שביט

רבים מאיתנו שמעו על העיר לוד, אבל הערכה כזו לא הייתה עולה על דעתם. כשהם נוסעים לנתב"ג אולי הם יודעים שפעם המקום נקרא "שדה התעופה לוד"; כשהם חולפים באחד הכבישים המהירים הסמוכים לעיר, הם רואים אותה להרף עין; ולאחרונה, מאז האירועים בזמן מבצע "שומרי החומות", הם חושבים שהעיר היא מוקד תוסס של מתחים ומהומות.הספר שלפנינו, מעשה ידיו של הארכיאולוג המהולל ד"ר אלון שביט, בא לפקוח את העיניים, להציג לנו את ההיסטוריה הייחודית של העיר המרתקת שרבים כל כך חיים לא הרחק ממנה אבל אין להם מושג מה אוצרותיה, הגלויים והסמויים.לוד היא עיר בת כמעט שמונת אלפים שנים, ובכל תקופה היה בה יישוב. היא הייתה עירם של יהודים, בהם רבי יהושע בן לוי, בעל המדרשים, ורבי אליעזר, שעליו נאמר: "צדק צדק תרדוף, רדוף אחר בית דין שדינו יפה, אחר בית דינו של רבי יוחנן בן זכאי ואחר בית דינו של רבי אליעזר". היא הייתה עירם של נוצרים, בראשם ג'ורג' הקדוש, המוכר לנו מן הציורים המראים אותו רוכב על סוסו והורג את הדרקון האכזרי, והוא טמון בחלל הקבורה שמתחת לכנסייה. היא הייתה עירם של מוסלמים שבנו בה אתרים מרהיבים, בהם לא רק המסגד והח'אן, אלא גם גשר ג'נדאס החשוב וגם "באר השלום", שנבנתה כדי להעניק לעוברי האורח מים, מנוחה וחדרים ללימודי קודש.בעיר התגלו גם פסיפסים גדולים, מיוחדים במינם. אלון שביט וחבריו יזמו את הקמת עיר הפסיפסים, בין שאר היוזמות המופלאות שלהם לחשוף את כל סודותיה של העיר העתיקה, לכונן אותה כעיר תיירות, המתפרנסת מן המעמד שלה כעיר מרכזית בעלת היסטוריה ייחודית, עיר שיהודים, נוצרים ומוסלמים חיים בה יחד, בשלום, בשלווה ובאחווה.הספר מגולל סיפורים ארוכים של מאבק בטחנות הרוח של הבירוקרטיה הישראלית, סיפורים קשים, מטרידים, כמעט מייאשים. אלא שאלון שביט והשותפים לרוחו לא מרשים לעצמם להתייאש. כל שעה יפה להעלות את לוד על הפסים אל העתיד הנכסף, הנטוע בעבר המפואר.

קתדרה 180 | 2022

בתי הכנסת הסמויים מעַין מימי הבית השני/ עוזי ליבנר ובנימין ארובס

'תוך ארבע חוטין הללו ארץ כנען': מפות ארץ-ישראל בפירושי רש"י ויפת בן עלי הקראי/ חנן מזא"ה

של מי הקשת הזאת? הוויכוח על קשת רובינסון וזיהויה/ חיים גורן

נשים ביישוב ובציונות בראי המגדר: זהות אישית, מקצועית, מגדרית ולאומית ביומנה של מנוחה רדובילצקי, 1911–1912/ נאוה דקל ורות קרק

'סמוק דמה של הנערה מדמו של הנער': נפילתה של מרים שחור ומקומן של הנשים בפלמ"ח במלחמת העצמאות/ שרון גבע

יורדים מן המגרש הביתי: על כדורגלנים יורדים בשני העשורים הראשונים לקיומה של מדינת ישראל/ אודי כרמי ואמיר בן-פורת

הקמת אתר ההנצחה בגבעת התחמושת והתפתחותו: בין אישי ללאומי/ שמואל בהט

The Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities Vol. XLVII | 2021

Eating in Ancient Egypt: Semiotics of an Iconographic Absence\ Valerie Angenot

The Book of the Dead in Napatan Royal Tombs: Iconographic and Textual Models from Thebes and the Local Program\ Simone Petacchi

Mongoose-headed (Ichneumon) Deities in the Book of Caverns\ Dawn Power

Near Eastern Archaeology Vol. 85 (1) | 2022

Flowing Rock, Dancing around Trees: Conviviality and the Landscape of Cyprus\ Michael Given

Çemka Höyük, Late Epipaleolithic and PPNA Phase Housing Architecture: Chronological and Typological Change\ Yunus Çiftçi

Through the Eye of a Needle: A Textile Perspective on the Chalcolithic–Bronze Age Transition in Cyprus\ Giulia Muti

Nude Awakenings: Early Dynastic Nude Female Iconography\ Stephanie Lynn Budin

From Excavation to Vitrine: The Afterlife of Late Hellenistic Bovine Terracottas from Niğde Kınık Höyük\ Roberta Casagrande-Kim, Deniz Üçer Erduran, Emily Frank, and Izel Güngör

Progress, Design, and Hyperreal Spectacle: The Ancient Near East in Nineteenth-Century Expos, Fairs, and Geographical Amusements\ Kevin McGeough

Archaeology in a Pandemic\ Claire Balandier, Ian Cipin, Britt Hartenberger, and Moni Islam

The Case for Digital Site Reports\ Jennie Ebeling and William Caraher

Biblical Archaeology Review Vol. 48 | 2022

Piece by Piece: Exploring the Origins of the Philistines\ Daniel M. Master

Jesus in Arabia: Tracing the Spread of Christianity into the Desert\ Ahmad Al-Jallad

Biblical Archaeology 101: Storage and Staples in Biblical Israel\ Tim Frank

Name of Biblical Judge Surfaces\ Yosef Garfinkel

Silent Labor: Dig Workers in the Middle East\ Allison Mickel

Digs 2022: COVID-19 and the Future of Archaeology\ Nathan Steinmeyer

NEAS: Near East Archaeological Society Bulletin Volume 66 | 2021

Commercial Salvaging of Herodian Opus Sectile Tiles and the Picture-Puzzle Enigma\ Frankie Synder

The Partian War Paradigm and the Reign of Herod the Great\ Richard D. Lanser\ Richard D. Lanser

Literary and Archaeological Evidence for the Location of Jerusalem's Jewisih Temple(s)\ Craig A Evans and D. Scott Stripling

Biblische Notizen No. 192 | 2022

Scribal Text Groups among the Bible Manuscripts Found in the Judean Desert\ Emanuel Tov

Jakobs Traum in Bet-El (Genesis 28,11-22) \ Christoph Levin

Die „Liste der Könige“ diesseits des Jordans (Josua 12,9-24) \ Josef Tropper und Juan-Pablo Vita

„Hau ab, Glatzkopf!“ Bemerkungen zu drei literarischen Analysen von 2Könige 2,23-25\ Uwe F.W. Bauer

Kann das Elterngebot (Ex 20,12; Dtn 5,16) Hypotext für Tob 4,3 sein? Chronologie als Problemfall (post-)strukturalistischer Intertextualitätskonzepte\ Benedikt Collinet

The Annunciation Narrative (Luke 1:27-38) Read in Times of #MeToo\ Bart J. Koet and Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte

Zu einer späten hebräischen Parallele für den ägyptischen Cheti XIIIa\ Stefan Bojowald

Der Geier als Aasfresser nach ägyptischen und vorderorientalischen Textstellen\ Stefan Bojowald

PEQ: Palestine Exploration Quarterly Vol. 153 (4) | 2021

‘I am sorry for troubling you with the bother of replying! But I really want to know’: An unpublished letter by T. E. Lawrence to Max van Berchem about a Mameluke inscription from Naqb (Sinai/Negev) \ Massimiliano Munzi & Corinne Sandoz

The Lion’s Mausoleum of Hippos of the Decapolis\ Michael Eisenberg

Building 101 at Tel ‘Eton, the Low Chronology, and the Perils of a Bias-Perpetuating Methodology: A Response and a Proposal for the Study of All the Phases in the History of Buildings\ Avraham Faust & Yair Sapir

PEQ: Palestine Exploration Quarterly Vol. 154 (1) | 2022

Liminality and Canaanite Cultic Spaces: Temple Entrances, Status Transformations and Ritual in Threshold Contexts\ Matthew Susnow

Something borrowed, something new? Semitic loanwords and transcriptions in the Greek epigraphy of Palestine and Arabia\ Michael Zellmann-Rohrer

A Group of Pilaster Capitals from Shivta: Marble Import in the Byzantine Negev\ Moshe Fischer & Yotam Tepper

Tel Nami, Cyprus, and Egypt: Radiocarbon Dates and Early Middle Bronze Age Chronology\ Felix Höflmayer

Mitekufat Haeven: Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society Volume 51 | 2021

Early Ahmarian Lithic Techno-Economy and Mobility at Al-Ansab 1, Wadi Sabra, Southern Jordan\ Hanna Parow-Souchon, Shumon T. Hussain and Jurgen Richter

The Role of Networks in the Connectivity of the Levantine Epipaleolithic\ Anna Belfer-Cohen and A. Nigel Goring-Morris

Netzer Sereni: A Geometric Kebaran Site in the Coastal Plain of Israel\ Ronit Lupu, Mae Goder-Goldberg, Oren Ackermann, Joel Roskin and Ianir Milevsky

Pottery from Submerged Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic Settlements of the Carmel Coast, Israel: A Microarchaeological Study of Raw Material Procurement and Firing Technology\ Isaac Oglobin Ramirez, Ehud Galili and Ruth Shahak-Gross

Additional Late Chalcolithic Shafts and Pits East of Namir Road, Tel Aviv\ Edwin C.M. von den Brink, Eriola Jakoel, Alla Yaroshevich, Karolina Hruby, Danny Rosenberg, Rivka Chasan, Oren Ackermann, Yaakov Anker, Joel Roskin, Vered Eshed, Ilana Peters, Reuven Kapul, Yotam Asscher, Lee Perry-Gal and Elisabetta Boaretto

A Ghassulian Chalcolithic Occupation at the Southern Margins of Tel-Yavne\ Atalya Fadida, Ianir Milevsky, Liat Nadav-Ziv, Lena Brailovsky-Rokser, Yoav Weingarten, Ilana Peters, Yotam Asscher, Sariel Shalrv, Inbar Ktalav, Lee Perry-Gal and Elie Haddad

Excavations at the Early Bronze Age I Site Fazael: The 2017-2020 Seosens\ Shay Bar, Katia Zutovski, Karolina Hruby and Catherine Ujma


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