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New Books on Our Shelves November 2022

We are happy to share some of the new books and new journal volumes that are now available in our library:

Summaries are taken from publishers websites.

Kahramanmaras'ta Bulunmus Yeni Asurca Tabletler
Cahit Gunbati, Salih Cecen, L. Gurkan Gokcek and Faruk Akyuz
Neo-Assyrian tablets found in Kahramanmaraş. Akkadian transcriptions of tablets, with Turkish text. Forward and introduction in Engiish.


Explaining Disaster: Tradition and Transformation of the "Catastrophe of Ibbi-Sin" in Babylonian Literature
Hanspeter Schaudig
The aim of this study is to investigate the philosophy and the reasoning that transformed the plain historical fact of the destruction of the empire of the Third Dynasty of Ur under its king Ibbi-Sîn (ca. 2028–2004 BCE) into a balanced and logical model of crime and divine punishment in the course of Babylonian historiography. The study presents nearly 80 excerpts and new editions of Babylonian texts dealing with the fall of the “great city” under an “ill-starred king” by divine disfavour or wrath, among them full new editions of numerous historical omens, the Esaĝil Chronicle, the Book of Prodigies and the Religious Chronicle. It also contains excerpts from cultic lamentations, the Royal Correspondence of Ur, the Marduk Prophecy, Chronicle P, the Chedorlaomer Texts and various royal inscriptions.


Near Eastern Lithic Technologies on the Move. Interactions and Contexts in Neolithic Traditions
H. Laurence Astruc, Carole McCartney, François Briois and Vasiliki Kassianidou (eds.)
Our understanding of the Neolithic transition and its development has expanded greatly in recent years due, in part, to the ongoing analysis of the manufacture and use of stone tools. This volume represents the eighth in a series of workshops initiated in 1993 with the aim of documenting lithic technology across this pivotal era of social and economic change, while enhancing the correlation between analytical vocabularies and methodologies.0The volume contains 42 chapters by both established and emerging scholars. They present data from new sites that challenge prior perspectives on the timing and direction of Neolithic expansion across Southwest Asia. While the origins of the earliest Neolithic (PPNA) lithic technology in the preceding Epi-Palaeolithic (Natufian) illustrate continuities in the different regions of the Levant, these new data support polycentric or non-centric perspectives of Neolithic development, and contribute to a more complex, multi-linear assessment of diffusion. The range of papers present recently discovered evidence documenting an earlier Neolithic expansion to the Southern Levant along routes including the desert interior, and the PPNA expansion to Cyprus, highlighted by parallel lithic traditions and dependent on Neolithic advances in seafaring. Neolithisation of the Caucasus and the Aegean is examined in terms of the spread of complex pressure modalities at the end of the PPN and in the early PN period. The pace and direction of Neolithic change preserved in accumulated corpuses of lithic data in all areas of the Near East begin to show more complex timing in the adoption of Neolithic technologies, distinctions in local contexts and tool adaptation to advances in agriculture. Together these studies provide an up-to-date and multifaceted perception of this transformative period of change.


Adornment: Jewelry and Body Decoration in Prehistoric Times
Ahiad Ovadia (ed.)
Although it may seem very recent, adorning the body is an age-old human need going back tens of thousands of years. Prehistoric jewelry had a variety of meanings and purposes and was used to signal both individual and group identity. In this lavishly illustrated catalogue, exhibition curator AhiadOvadia surveys the fascinating examples of prehistoric adornment discovered in our region.
Texts by other researchers extend our understanding of the ancient phenomenon in various ways, such as a study of the forms adornment takes in traditional societies in our time. The publication includes detailed information about selected objects in the exhibition and ends with Israeli novelist Dror Burstein’s story inspired by a unique piece of prehistoric jewelry.


The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization
Volume 1: Ancient Israel, from Its Beginnings through 332 BCE
Jeffrey H. Tigay and Adele Berlin (eds.)
The Posen Library's groundbreaking anthology series—called "a feast of Jewish culture, in ten volumes" by The Chronicle of Higher Education—offers with Volume 1 an exploration of the culture of ancient Israel, including its literature, legal documents, and visual arts.

The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, Volume 1, covers the earliest period of Jewish civilization, from the second millennium BCE through 332 BCE. Organized by genre, this book presents a collection of some of the earliest products of Jewish culture, including extensive selections from the Tanakh and the Hebrew Bible; extrabiblical inscriptions and documents by and about Israelites and Jews, found by archaeologists in the lands of Israel, Egypt, and Mesopotamia; and images representing the visual culture of ancient Israel. Combining genres that have never been presented together in a single publication, Volume 1 illustrates ancient Israel’s cultural innovations and commonalities with neighboring societies.


Das Personliche Gebet Bei Den Hethitern: EineTextlinguistische Untersuchung
Alexandra Daues and Elisabeth Rieken
As testimonies of deep religiosity, Hittite personal prayers from the 2nd millennium BC document human suffering and the hope for help from the gods. In addition to the simpler prayers from an indigenous Anatolian ritual tradition, a new type of text emerged since the Middle Hittite period - initially in close imitation of Mesopotamian models - whose highly developed literary expression increasingly developed independently. On the basis of a new edition of the Hittite prayer texts, including a German translation, this volume offers a comprehensive linguistic and stylistic analysis of the text types. While at the level of the macrostructure each prayer text is understood as a coherent individual text that allows a classification of its structural elements and their argumentative relationships to each other, the analysis of the microstructure shows on which linguistic levels the Hittite authors followed predetermined text patterns and where they found room for individual design. Thus, Hittite prayers reveal themselves as a central component of Hittite literature, which has a rich assortment of stylistic devices as well as a high degree of poetic depth and intertextual references. This leads to a fundamental re-evaluation of Hittite prayers as a type of text and literary genre.


Altagyptische Amulette und ihre Handnabung
Joachim Friedrich Quack
Obgleich es aus dem alten Ägypten sowohl zahlreiche erhaltene Amulette als auch Texte mit Hinweisen für ihre Anwendung gibt, fehlt bislang eine angemessene übergreifende Untersuchung dazu. Joachim Friedrich Quack bietet eine detaillierte Behandlung dieser Artefakte und (Meta) texte von der Vorgeschichte (4. Jtsd. v. Chr.) bis in die römische Kaiserzeit (ca. 3.-4. Jhd. n. Chr.). Die Darstellung erfolgt einerseits chronologisch, andererseits thematisch, indem zusammengehörige Sachgruppen übergreifend vorgestellt werden. Bei der Behandlung der Amulette wird ein besonderes Gewicht auf archäologisch gut dokumentierte Gräberfelder gelegt, um chronologische Entwicklungen besser zu fassen. Dadurch kann z.B. eine sehr diesseitsorientierte Amulettausstattung der Dritten Zwischenzeit klar von einer am Vorbild des Osiris orientierten, spezifisch funerären ab der 26. Dynastie differenziert werden.


Chalcis/Qinnasrin (Syrie): De l’âge du Bronze à l’époque mamelouke. Qinnasrin II
Marie-Odile Rousset (ed.)
The syro-french archaeological research mission of Qinnasrin has worked between 2008 and 2010 on the site of al-‘Iss (Northern Syria, Aleppo region), in the village itself and in the imediate surroundings. These fieldworks have been funded by the French Commission of excavations from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Fundation Max van Berchem, the French National Center of Scientific Research and the General Directory of Antiquities and Museums of Syria.
Established since the end of the 3rd millennium BC, Qinnasrin is an important road and military junction, dominating a fertile plain on the edge of the steppe and irrigated agricultural areas. Renamed Chalcis by the Greeks, it was, in Roman times, the seat of a kingship and minted coins. It plays an essential role in the fortification system of Northern Syria set up by Justinian against the Persians and then during the conquest of Northern Syria by the armies of Islam. Closely linked to Aleppo, it declined, to its benefit, from the middle of the 10th century and fell into oblivion around the 14th century.
This book provides an overview and synthesis of the textual and archaeological sources. It presents the documentation constituted by the pedestrian and geophysical surveys, the first archaeological excavations ever carried out on the site, the inventory of architectural elements and the gathering of material. Several discoveries allow us to account for the importance acquired by the city, both in the most ancient times and in the Greek, Roman and Islamic periods. For the first time, a scenario of the morphological evolution of the city and its transformations is proposed. This second volume in the series devoted to Qinnasrin provides an original portrait of an outstanding and largely unknown site.


Under the Yoke of Ashur: The Assyrian Century in the Land of Israel
Mordechai Cogan
A new enlightening introduction for all who seek to understand the impact of Assyria on the Israelite kingdoms during the late monarchic period.
The Assyrian Empire, in its thrust for economic aggrandizement, reached the Land of Israel, first on razzias, later staying as occupier. The vigorous campaigns of Tiglath-pileser III in the mid-8th century BCE forced the kingdoms of Israel and Judah to bear the imperial yoke. But in short order, Israel’s recurring insubordination led to its dismantling and exile. Judah fared better and continued on as a subjugated vassal until the fall of Nineveh over a hundred years later. The maritime city-kingdoms of Philistia were not skipped over during the imperial expansion. This critical review of the major events of the era offers new insights into the development of Assyrian imperialism and its lasting impact on the southern Levant.


The Landfill of Early Roman Jerusalem: The 2013‒2014 Excavations in Area D
Yuval Gadot
This is the story of the landfill that operated in Jerusalem during the first century CE and served as its garbage dump during the ca. 50-year period that followed Jesus’s crucifixion through to the period that led to the great revolt of the Jews just prior to the city’s destruction.

The book presents an extensive investigation of hundreds of thousands of items that were systematically excavated from the thick layers of landfill. It brings together experts who conducted in-depth studies of every sort of material discarded as refuse—ceramic, metal, glass, bone, wood, and more. This research presents an amazing and tantalizing picture of daily life in ancient Jerusalem, and how life was shaped and regulated by strict behavioral rules (halacha). The book also explores why garbage was collected in Jerusalem in so strict a manner and why the landfill operated for only about 50 years. Half a century of garbage from Early Roman–period Jerusalem provides an abundance of new data and new insights into the ideological choices and new religious concepts emerging and developing among those living in Jerusalem at this critical moment. It is an eye-opener for archaeologists, historians, anthropologists, and theologians, as well as for the general reader.


Totenkult und Ahnenverehrung im hethitischen Anatolien: Vorstellungen, Rituale undInstitutionen
Chiara Cognetti
Der Toten- und Ahnenkult bei den Hethitern hat bisher keine zusammenfassende Behandlung gefunden. Daher ließen sich die in den hethitischen Texten bezeugten Vorstellungen einer Weiterexistenz der Verstorbenen nicht zu einem einheitlichen Bild zusammenfügen. Mit diesem Buch liegt erstmals eine umfassende Studie vor, die sämtliche den Textbelegen aus Boğazköy zu entnehmenden Informationen zusammenführt und ausführlich untersucht, um die Grundstrukturen des Themenkomplexes herauszuarbeiten. Aufbauend auf der philologischen Bearbeitung der Textquellen und der lexikographischen Analyse der zu betrachtenden Termini wird die Präsenz der Toten im Alltag der Lebenden untersucht: Insbesondere lassen sich die Bedeutung von Ahnen und königlichen Vorgängern für ihre Nachkommen sowie die daraus resultierenden Formen des Ahnen- und Totenkults und ihr Stellenwert für die Gemeinschaft veranschaulichen.


Experimental Archaeology: Making, Understanding, Story-telling
Christina Souyoudzoglou-Haywood and Aidan O’Sullivan (eds.)
Experimental Archaeology: Making, Understanding, Story-telling is based on the proceedings of a two-day workshop on experimental archaeology at the Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens in 2017, in collaboration with UCD Centre for Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture. Scholars, artists and craftspeople explore how people in the past made things, used and discarded them, from prehistory to the Middle Ages. The papers include discussions of the experimental archaeological reconstruction and likely past experience of medieval houses, and also about how people cast medieval bronze brooches, or sharpened Bronze Age swords, made gold ornaments, or produced fresco wall paintings using their knowledge, skills and practices. The production of ceramics is explored through a description of the links between Neolithic pottery and textiles, through the building and testing of a Bronze Age Cretan pottery kiln, and through the replication and experience of Minoan figurines. The papers in this volume show that experimental archaeology can be about making, understanding, and storytelling about the past, in the present.


Why Those Who Shovel Are Silent: A History of Local Archaeological Knowledge and Labor
Allison Mickel
For more than 200 years, archaeological sites in the Middle East have been dug, sifted, sorted, and saved by local community members who, in turn, developed immense expertise in excavation and interpretation and had unparalleled insight into the research process and findings—but who have almost never participated in strategies for recording the excavation procedures or results. Their particular perspectives have therefore been missing from the archaeological record, creating an immense gap in knowledge about the ancient past and about how archaeological knowledge is created.
Why Those Who Shovel Are Silent is based on six years of in-depth ethnographic work with current and former site workers at two major Middle Eastern archaeological sites—Petra, Jordan, and Çatalhöyük, Turkey—combined with thorough archival research. Author Allison Mickel describes the nature of the knowledge that locally hired archaeological laborers exclusively possess about artifacts, excavation methods, and archaeological interpretation, showing that archaeological workers are experts about a wide range of topics in archaeology. At the same time, Mickel reveals a financial incentive for site workers to pretend to be less knowledgeable than they actually are, as they risk losing their jobs or demotion if they reveal their expertise.


הספר הלא נכון
נעה ידלין
לרונה גלזר־גלנטי יש תינוק בן עשרה חודשים, רומן שהיא לא כותבת ובעל גבה־מצח, שבז לכולם מלבדה: הוא משוכנע שהיא עומדת להיות סופרת גדולה, והוא יעשה הכל כדי לעזור לה לממש את ייעודה. אבל מאז הלידה רונה לא מצליחה לקרוא כלום, שלא לדבר על לכתוב; עד שהיא נתקלת בתחרות פייסבוק טיפשית ומחליטה לנסות: מה כבר יכול לקרות?

הספר הלא נכון הוא סיפור על בגידה: לא עם גבר אחר, אלא עם זהות חדשה. זה סיפור על אישה שמגלה את עצמה מחדש כקוראת ואז ככותבת – והכל מאחורי גבו של בן זוגה.

ספרה החדש של נעה ידלין הוא רומן מבריק, נוגע ללב ומעורר מחשבה על מערכות יחסים עכשוויות ועל הסודות שאנחנו מסתירים; על זכותנו להשתנות לנגד עיניהם של הקרובים לנו ביותר; על גבוה ועל נמוך, על טעם טוב וטעם רע.


Volume 38 (3)

Table of Contents:
Farmstead in Eastern Galilee Suddenly Abandoned

Aqueduct Served Jerusalem for 2000 Years

Rural Estate and Mosque Uncovered in the Negev

Israel Archaeology News

Herod the Great’s Royal Alabaster Bathtubs Quarried Locally

Isaiah and Associates, Biblical Connections by Bryant Wood

The Greek and Roman World Digest: Remains of the Great Sea Battle of Aegates, Genom of Vesuvius Sequenced

The Ancient Near East Archaeology Digest

Egypt Archaeology Digest

4D Tech Provides Tour of Jerusalem’s History

Shelby White and Leon Levy Lod Mosaic Archaeological center Inaugurated


Biblical Archaeology Review
Volume 48 (3)

Table of Contents:
Yahweh’s Desert Origins
by Juan Manuel Tebes

Journey to Jerusalem
by Jodi Magness

Taking a Sling
by Boyd Seevers and Victoria Parrott

Magdala’s Mistaken Identity
by Joan E. Taylor


Biblischen Notizen
Volume 193

Table of Contents:
Von Philippe Guillaume, Florian Lippke

How the Minimalists Won! A Discussion of Historical Method in Biblical Studies
Von Lester L. Grabbe

"Minimalists", "Minimalists", Method and Theory in History, and Social Memory Lenses
Von Ehud Ben Zvi

Chronicles as a Source for the History of Pre-Exilic Israel: Between "Negativism" and "Positivism"
Von Yigal Levin

Writing the History of a Mythic Past: A Response to the Panel Discussion on Minimalism
Von Thomas L. Thompson

M&M: Some Reflections
Von Athalya Brenner-Idan

The Weight of the Past
Von Baruch Halpern

Malum Minimum

Buchvorstellungen 193/2022


Bulletin of ASOR (BASOR)
Volume 387

Table of Contents:
The Date of Appearance of Philistine Pottery at Megiddo: A Computational Approach
by Eythan Levy, Israel Finkelstein, Mario A. S. Martin, and Eli Piasetzky

The Southern Levantine Roots of the Phoenician Mercantile Phenomenon
by Ayelet Gilboa

Ḥorvat Tefen: A Hasmonean Fortress in the Hinterland of ʿAkko-Ptolemais
by Roi Sabar

A Middle Bronze Age Assemblage of Bone Inlays from Lachish: Typological, Technological, and Functional Aspects
by Noam Silverberg, Yosef Garfinkel, Michael G. Hasel, and NaamaYahalom-Mack

Ambiguity of Divine and Royal Portraiture and the Hiyawan Image of Kingship: Political Identity through the Monuments of ÇİNEKÖY and KARATEPE”
by Nathan Lovejoy

Early Islamic Copper Coins from Excavations in the Central Levant: An Indicator for Ancient Economy”
by Hagit Nol
Three Women from Elam: A Revision of the Haft Tappeh Metal Plaque”
by Babak Rafiei-Alavi, Faranak Bahrololoumi, and Sabine Klein

Moving in Together? Synoikismos and Polis Formation at Sagalassos and in Southwest Anatolia” by Dries Daems and Peter Talloen

The Temple and the Town at Early Bronze Age I Megiddo: Faunal Evidence for the Emergence of Complexity”
by Lidar Sapir-Hen, Deirdre N. Fulton, Matthew J. Adams, and Israel Finkelstein


Israel Exploration Journal
Volume 72 (1)

Table of Contents:
A Pottery Neolithic Cave near Kfar Bara along Nahal Qanah, Central Israel
by Avraham S. Tendler and Edwin C.M. van den Brink:

The Early Alphabetic Inscriptions Found by the Shrine of Hathor at Serabit el-Khadem: Palaeography, Materiality, and Agency
by Orly Goldwasser

The Function of the Iron Age Site of Khirbet Qeiyafa
by David Ussishkin

Historical Geography Gone Awry at Khirbet er-Rai: The Identification of Ziklag and (Non- biblical) Phathura/Pethor
by Chris McKinny and Zachary Thomas

It’s Not Just Another Brick in the Wall: The Ceramic Building Materials of Colonia Aelia Capitolina
by Tehilla Lieberman, Anat Cohen-Weinberger, Avraham Solomon, Moran Hagbi, Joe Uziel and Avner Ecker

Yonatan Adler and Dennis Mizzi: A Roman-Era Chalk Quarry and Chalk-Vessel Workshop at Einot Amitai in Lower Galilee: A Preliminary Report
by Yonatan Adler and Dennis Mizzi


Journal of Near Eastern Studies
Volume 81 (1)

Table of Contents:
A Synchronized Early Middle Bronze Age Chronology for Egypt, the Levant, and Mesopotamia
Felix Höflmayer andSturt W. Manning

The Price of Justice: Revenues Generated by Ottoman Courts of Law in the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries
ZeynepDörtok Abacı andBoğaçErgene

Magical Obstetrics: Anubis, Bird Blood, and a Black Shrew
Andreas Winkler

New Evidence for an Early Islamic Arabic Dialect in Eastern Arabia? The Qaṭrāyīth (“in Qatari”) Spoken in Beth Qaṭraye
Mario Kozah

Oriental Institute Museum Notes No. 17: An Abydos Setting for a Stela of Osiris Sety I
Foy Scalf

“The Garden of the Reasonable”: Religious Diversity Among Middle Eastern Physicians, ad 1000–1500
Thomas A. Carlson

Rebel’s Advocate: How Abū ʿUbaydaMaʿmar b. al-Muthannā Came to be Labelled a Khārijite
Raashid S. Goyal

The Date of the Arrival of the Judeans at Elephantine and the Foundation of Their Colony
Danʾel Kahn


Volume 18

Table of Contents
The Relative Chronology of the Presargonic Period in the King Lists
Bieke Mahieu

All the King’s Sons: The Role and Tasks of the dumu-nitaen at Ebla (Syria, 24th Cent. BCE)
Erica Scarpa

Kleine BeiträgeZu Den Unpublizierten Bo-Texten (I)
Die Klageschrift Eines Althethitischen Königs (Bo 6109)
Oguz Soysal

“This Tablet is Nuzi’s”: Towers, Gates, and Preparations for War
Maynard P. Maidman,

Pairs of Horses and Single Horses at Nuzi
Carlo Zaccagnini
The Hittites in the Administrative Texts of Ugarit
Juan-Pablo Vita

Fifteen Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenid Cuneiform Tablets from The National Museum of Denmark
Rasmus Johan Aarslev

From the Electronic Babylonian Literature Lab 16–24
Enrique Jiménez et al.

Anatolian Glosses in the Akkadian “MedizinischenOmina”
Valerio Pisaniello – Federico Giusfredi

The Appearance of Birds (BM 66611)
Jeanette C. Fincke

Papers presented within the framework of the Project “SHABO. Shaping Boundaries. Ethnicity and Geography in the Eastern Mediterranean Area (First Millennium BC)”

Scenarios of Aegean and Greek Presence in the Near East and Identity Construction: A Perspective from the Early Iron Age Syro-Anatolian Sources
Simonetta Ponchia

Borders, Routes, and Contacts between Mesopotamia and Anatolia: Some Considerations on the Role of Cilicia under the Assyrian Empire
Silvia Gabrieli

Border Interactions in Asia Minor: The Lydian Case and the Trojan Case
Fabrizio Gaetano

The Thracian Bosporus between Europe and Asia in Fact and Fiction (II/I Millennium BC)
Luisa Prandi


Near Eastern Archaeology
Volume 85 (3)

Table of Contents:
Archaeological Survey Report on Paleolithic Sites of Harsin County in the Central Zagros, Iran
Mohammad EghbalChehri

Radiometric Dating of WadiZarqaMa’in 1, a Limestone Sinkhole Natural Faunal Trap near the Dead Sea, Using Data from Test Pitting and a Portable Coring System
James Pokines, Jeremy A. Beller, Amer S. A. al-Souliman, Osama Samawi, Christopher J. H. Ames,Carlos E. Cordova, and April Nowell

Rediscovering the Royal Steward Inscription: A Photographic Study
Matthew Suriano and Chris McKinny

A Previously Unpublished Ceramic Assemblage of the Babylonian–Persian Periods from Tell en-Naṣbeh
Jeffrey Zorn

The Nabatean Flood Control System of WadiHremiyyeh, Petra: Restoring and Learning from the Past
CatreenaHamarneh, Nizar Abu-Jaber,Safa’ Joude, Abdullah Al-Rawabdeh, QasemAbdelal, and Khaldoon Al Qudah

A Bioarchaeological Investigation of Fraternal Stillborn Twins from Tell el-Hesi
Jaime Ullinger, Lesley Gregoricka, Rebecca Bernardos, David Reich, Amel Langston, Paige Ferreri, and Brittney Ingram


Palestine Exploration Quarterly
Volume 154 (2)

Table of Contents:
Temporal change in traditional knowledge and use of wild plants in Artas, Palestine
Emily Mourad Hanna, Katrine Gro Friborg & Mazin B. Qumsiyeh

The representation of Judaea on Hadrian’s coins
Paolo Cimadomo

A Reassessment of the Chronology of the Iron Age site of Khirbet en-Nahas, Southern Jordan
Juan Manuel Tebes

The Roman-Period Road Network in Southern Moab: A Geographic and Historical Enquiry
Uri Davidovich, Chaim Ben-David & Roi Porat


al-Rāfidān: Journal of Western Asiatic Studies
Volume 43

Table of Contents:
Archaeology and Politics in the Age of Dams: A Survey of Evidence from Iraq
St John Simpson

GIS and Historical Geographical Analyses of the Reconstructed Ancient Course of the Tigris in the Northern [art of Southern Mesopotamia
Naohiko Kawakami

Stone Balance WEUGHTS FROM Area A of ‘Ushiyeh
Kazumi Oguchi and Mai Tsuneki

Of boxes in the Bronze Age: Exotic Imports, Skeuomorphs and Local Carafts from Central Asia to Sumer
St John Simpson


State Archives of Assyria Bulletin
Volume 27

Table of Contents:
An Analytical Catalogue of Similes and Literal Comparisons in PreNeo-Assyrian Royal Narrative Texts

How Deep the Assyrian Spies Penetrated in Urartu? On the
Location of the “Land of Wazae”

The Identification and Sequence of the Kassite Kings

“Ashurbanipal, the King Who Is Resplendent like a
Bright Light”: Gyges’ Dream in Ashurbanipal’s E Prisms Revisited

The Great Green Dragon and the Order of Neo-Assyrian Noun


Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici
Volume 7

Table of Contents:
Capo Graziano Decorative Motifs and Milazzese Pottery Marks: A Phenomenon of Cultural Memory?
Marco Bettelli, Sara Tiziana Levi, Andrea Di Renzoni, Maria Clara Martinelli, Valentina Cannavò

Further Discussion of pa-sa-ro on Pylos Ta 716: Insights from the AgiaTriada Sarcophagus
Nicholas G. Blackwell, Thomas G. Palaima

Craftspeople, Hunters or Warlike Elites? A Reassessment of Burials Furnished with Tools in Mycenaean Greece from the Shaft Grave to the Post-palatial Period 39
Laetitia Phialon

The Western String in the Late MBA and LBA I-II: Populations and Account Balances
Donald W. Jones

Assessing Insular Economic Strategies: Some Responses to D.W. Jones’ Model of Middle and Late Bronze Age Cycladic Prosperity
Natalie Abell

The Western String in the Late MBA and LBA I-II: A Reaction to Donald Jones’s Article from a Wider Perspective
Luca Girella, Peter Pavúk

The Western String in Context: Local Landscapes and Aegean Networks
Alex Knodell

More than Ports of Call: Remarks on Middle and Late Bronze Age Island Economies in Response to D.W. Jones’ Model
Irene Nikolakopoulou

A Response to Donald W. Jones, The Western String in the Late MBA
and LBA I-II: Populations and Account Balances
Todd Whitelaw


Tel Aviv
Volume 49 (2)

Table of Contents:
Jerusalem’s Growth in Light of the Renewed Excavations in the Ophel
Ariel Winderbaum

The Iron Age Complex in the Ophel, Jerusalem: A Critical Analysis
Israel Finkelstein

The Late Iron IIA Cylindrical Holemouth Jars and Their Role in the Royal Economy of Early Monarchic Israel
Madeleine Butcher, Karen Covello-Paran, Paula Waiman-Barak, Oded Lipschits, Hannes Bezzel & Omer Sergi

Plant Remains from Rothenberg’s Excavations in Timna: Smelters’ Food and Cultic Offerings at the Turn of the First Millennium BCE
Michal David, Mordechai Kislev, Yoel Melamed, Erez Ben-Yosef & Ehud Weiss

Papyrus Amherst 63: Shifting between the Heavenly and Earthly Spheres

Archaeometallurgical Analysis of Lead Weights and Sling Bullets from Seleucid Tell Iẓṭabba: More on Lead Origin in Seleucid Palestine
Sabine Klein, Moritz Jansen, Achim Lichtenberger & Oren Tal



כרך 181


תוכן עניינים:

מנועים גרמניים ומנועים בריטיים: על סוכנים ותחרות מסחרית בפלשתינה בשלהי העידן העות'מאני

גיל גורדון

'קללי נפשי את חברון': סיקור מאורעות תרפ"ט והנצחתם כראי לביקורת על 'היישוב הישן'

דבורה גלעדי ויוסי גולדשטיין

השיח המגדרי של השכול בתש"ח: שפת אם ושפת לאום בכתיבת הורים שכולים בספרי זיכרון לנופלים במלחמת העצמאות

אפרת זקבך

ממלכתיות וארכיון לאומי במדינת ישראל: תיאוריה, היסטוריה ופרקטיקה, 1948–1955

עודד היילברונר וקובי כהן-הטב

בין סדר יום ביטחוני לאזרחי: יחסן של רשויות המדינה אל בית צפאפא הישראלית, 1949–1967 - מאמר מקוון

אלדד ברין ודב נוטקביץ

מפא"י ופולמוס 'דור האספרסו'

מאיר חזן



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